Installation & Use
Installation & Use
Launching the Web & File Admin ProgramThe Web & File Admin Program is used to access all server settings, and users & group information.
Forget the password? Use extension manager to temporarily diasable the ASIP Registry
extension, and restart the computer. Open the File Sharing control
panel, and enter a new password. Enable the ASIP Registry extension,
and restart again. Starting & Stopping Web ServicesThe Web & File Server is started and stopped from the Server menu of the Web & File Server Admin program. You can also stop the server by quitting the Server application. Whenever stopping service or disconnecting users, you are given an opportunity to set a number of minutes before termination and send a message to connected users. This allows them time to close any open files they may have. If you change your mind, you can also cancel the shut down, by selecting that menu item from the Server menu. Connected users will receive a message indicating that they will no longer be disconnected. This dialog box, as in previous versions of AppleShare file server software, foils attempts to perform an unattended shut down of the server, for example, so that all files could be backed up. Dynamic RAM AllocationCustomers have asked AppleShare IP engineers to allow for more concurrent connections to the server. In response to this request, AppleShare IP 6.0 will now allow up to 500 concurrent connections if the two following conditions are met:
There is no visible indication of whether or not the maximum number of connections allowed at a particular time is 250 or 500. Configure Web & File Server Settings
Select Web & File Server Settings...from the Server menu. This is where you control settings for:
Each topic is discussed more fully below:
CacheThe AppleShare cache improves performance by caching information into memory, and thus reducing wait times for data to be read from, or written to, server volumes. By default, the server is set to use ALL but 1 MB of memory for caching. If left with this setting, the System Heap on the server would grow as file sharing was used, until the maximum cache size (=total memory - 1MB) had been reached. After that point, the least-used information stored in the AppleShare cache makes way for the new information. If you need to run other services on the Appleshare file server, you can limit the amount of memory it will use by changing the "Reserved memory for other applications" setting to a higher number. Setting it as high as it will go will restrict the AppleShare caches to a minimum file and directory cache, part of a 6MB memory pool the file server will allocate on startup (i.e., when Web & File Services start up, you may notice the system heap increasing by approximately 6 MB.) TIP: The Cache can be reset (all data flushed out) in the Web & File Server application. This may allow you to free up enough memory to launch a needed application without quitting the Web & File Services. Choose "Reset Cache" under the Server menu of the Web & File Server or Admin application. It may take a minute or two for the memory used by the cache to be released.
Checking "Enable FTP Service" (File Transfer Protocol) will allow clients to access files using an FTP client, such as Fetch or their web browser. All access privileges set up for AFP connections will still apply. "Anonymous FTP" is similar to guest access on the File Server; anyone can login without a name and password. To enable anonymous FTP for the ASIP server, open the user called "Guest" and check the Anonymous FTP checkbox (described more fully in next section on Users & Groups). Unless anonymous FTP access is enabled, clients will need to enter their user name and password (with URL ).
Idle User Disconnect
This was a frequently requested feature. You can disconnect users if they've been idle for a specified period of time. You can decide whether this applies to registered users, administrators, or just guests, and you can send them a message upon disconnect Note you can also omit users who have files open, to avoid data loss. This feature is especially useful if you want to limit the maximum number of concurrent users; you can prevent people from staying logged on indefinitely, tying up one of your connections.
Information on the volume, plus users name and/or password are stored in the AppleShare Prep file in the System Folder:Preferences folder on the client). When only the user's name is saved, the client is prompted to enter the password at system startup; if both name and password are saved, they automatically log in. This is a security risk. If data security is a priority, do not check this box. The "Save My Name and Password" option will then be disabled, as shown above. If users have already saved their name and password for login, they will continue to be able to login automatically; you'll need to delete their AppleShare prep file on the client machine to prevent it. SerializationThis is where you can see what your serial number is, or remove the serial number to add a new one. (You cannot list more than one serial number here.) The serial number is stored in both the Users & Groups data file, and in Easy Set Up Preferences. When copying a U&G data file to another server that will run Web & File Services, the serial number should be changed in the other server immediately. Web & File Services will not startup if a duplicate serial number is detected on the network. Only the Web & File Services component of AppleShare IP looks for a serial number, so there will be no problem moving the Users & Groups data file to a server that will run only Mail Services or Print Services. When duplicate serial numbers appear on the network, the server
administrator should make every attempt to locate the renegade
server and disable it, or enter a different serial number in it.
Web Plug-insPlug-ins are like extensions to Web service; they add functionality. ASIP 6.0 supports W*API (Application Program Interface) 1.2, making it compatible with most third-party plug-ins. Technical support for Plug-ins are provided by the third-party software developers. Windows File sharingThis is where you can enable SMB (Server Message Block), the type of file sharing built into Windows 95, NT and other clients. Give the server a valid Windows network host name (less than or equal to 13 characters, generally avoiding punctuation and special characters), and a valid workgroup name or Windows NT domain name. TIP: If practical, make the Windows network host name for your AppleShare IP server match its unqualified DNS host name. For example, if your DNS has an entry for your server as "", give your AppleShare IP server the Windows network host name of "asip1". This will help solve some name resolution issues (described in the Related Topic "More on SMB") Tip: If any Windows NT domains are available on the subnet, use one as AppleShare IP's workgroup name. This helps with cross-subnet network browsing, because NT domains can cross subnets, but workgroups cannot.
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